This campaign was created to help a beautiful girl get well after being stricken with 4 rare and debilitating diseases that have no cure and no approved treatment. Debra went from being a vibrant, active teen to a young adult who’s now mostly bedbound and the symptoms make daily living almost impossible. Her life now consists of being fed by a tube, iv medications and a full time caregiver. We need your help.
We have exhausted all our resources here. She’s seen every specialist in our area, from allergy to rheumatology and everything in between; none of them know how to help her. She is at great risk for early death as the condition she has makes her prone to cancer. Her intestines are shutting down. She’s Allergic to every food, and even most of the medical formulas. Time is running out.
She suffers from a rare disease that inflicts only a few hundred people in the U.S. and the only knowledgeable doctors are across the country at John’s Hopkins in Maryland. We are on a quest to get her to those doctors to hopefully turn her health around. As the days and weeks go by, her condition gets more and more unstable. Medications stop working and the illnesses wreak havoc on her body.
That’s where you, the supporters of this campaign come in.
Debra has many medical expenses that insurance doesn’t cover.
We are unable to fly due to the amount of supplies we need to take with us for an extended stay.
With your donations we will purchase a suitable trailer to travel in and to live in while in Maryland.
Each donation of $35 will fill half a tank of gas. A full tank will get us 300 miles towards getting to Hopkins.
- You can help provide the means for Debra to get to John’s Hopkins
- You can be the reason she’s able to live her life again
- You can bring the smiles back to her face
- You can give life back to this person who has given to so many people so that she may continue to give back on an even greater level
- You can be that hero that she thanks every day for giving her the best chance at a normal life
- Not only will your donations impact our family but a portion of every dollar we receive will go to continuing our pay it forward, chronic illness awareness campaign
- Thank you…