First, have you added your personal and bank information? If not, you can find steps to set up transfers here.
If you’ve already added your bank information and aren’t sure why you haven’t received funds yet, we can troubleshoot with you. It’s possible your transfers are set up and the funds are processing or are within the transfer timeline to reach your account. We address some of these possibilities in the video below.
1. Check to see what transfers have initiated
In the Transfers section of your HopeFundMe account, check under “Past transfers” to see what funds have already been sent to your bank account. Every transfer will take 2 to 5 business days to reach your bank. Even if you have daily transfers, you might not receive money everyday.
If you received an email saying a transfer failed to be sent, it means it was rejected by the bank because there’s an error with the bank information on file. You should contact your bank right away to get the correct information, then re-add it to your account. Click “Edit” next to your “Bank account” on the Transfers section to re-add information.
2. Check if donations are processing
Individual donations take a few days to process before they can be included in a transfer.
Check under “Processing” in the Transfers section to see what funds are processing. When funds are ready to be sent, you can find the date of the transfer under “Past transfers”.
3. Check to see if we need additional information
Our team might need additional information before we can send your funds. You can check this within your HopeFundMe account on your “Transfers” page. If we need additional documents or weren’t able to verify documents you’ve already provided, you’ll see a red banner detailing what the issue is. Review this article for help uploading documents for account verification.
If you’ve received an email titled “Important Message from HopeFundMe”, please reply directly to that email. You can learn more about this type of hold and how to submit your information in this article.
Once you share the requested information, wait a day or two and then check your Transfers section again to make sure a transfer is intiating.
We recommend checking out this article to learn more about uploading documents.
4. Contact our team
If the steps above haven’t helped, please reach out to our team. You can do that by clicking “Contact Us”.